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Some companies tend to rely on Facebook for communication with their employees. Learn why Pronto is the better choice for company organization.

On Monday, October 4, 2021, Facebook went down for about six hours. For most people, this was a relatively minor inconvenience. It might have interfered with their connection to friends and family members for a short period or made it difficult for them to take care of tasks that relied on that social network, but since the challenge was resolved relatively quickly, it was easy enough to move past.

Other businesses, however, rely on Facebook to keep their employees connected. They use it to send out updates and private communications. They have a company group that their employees use to collaborate.

Not only did losing Facebook communications pose a substantial problem that day, but it also made many companies start to think about how they could improve the way they communicate–and whether they might benefit from an internal communication app focused on actually bringing the team together, rather than using an external app that isn’t really intended for the purpose.

Pronto: Designed with Company Communication in Mind

Unlike social media, Pronto is designed with company communication in mind. Our comprehensive communication platform offers tools that are geared toward making it easier for people within your organization to connect with one another. If you’re looking for a solution that can help enhance communication at your company, Pronto could be just the tool you’re looking for.

Why Pronto is Better Than Facebook for Company Organization and Communication

Pronto offers several critical advantages that make it an excellent communication tool that can offer benefits to all of your employees.

Pronto helps separate business and private communications.


With Pronto, employees know that the communications coming through are related to business–and that can help them prioritize accordingly. Not only does knowing that communication is business-based increase the odds that employees will respond promptly during the workday, separating those communications can help employees stay focused on work, rather than getting distracted by the material shared on social media.

With Pronto, you have an all-in-one communication solution that will solve many of your communication challenges.


Pronto isn’t just about social chat, though your employees certainly have the option to chat about both on-topic and off-topic material as they go about their days. Pronto also makes it easy to:

  • Hold video chats with large groups or small ones
  • Hold one-on-one video calls so that employees can connect individually with one another
  • Send out announcements–and track who is seen them
  • Take care of private messaging in one easy location

Thanks to Pronto, your employees can communicate more easily–and in the format they prefer.

Pronto makes it easier to store documents.

Pronto’s document access and storage make it easier for employees to get their hands on the material they need. Employees will know exactly where those documents are stored and what information they can provide, which makes it easy for them to access those documents, whether they’re in the office or on the go. Pronto also allows you to attach documents to other communications, including To-Do lists and announcements, so employees can quickly reference the document or material you’re referring to.

Pronto allows you to quickly separate employees into smaller groups.

You can divide employees by department, separate them into groups to work on specific projects, or allow them to divide into off-topic groups to chat about things outside work, which can help enhance their sense of connection. With those groups, employees can more easily communicate about the projects they’re working on, including sharing sensitive client information without fear.

Pronto doesn’t put your employees in social media jail.

Many people have, at one time or another, experienced “social media jail,” when they are blocked from posting due to sharing inappropriate content. Sometimes, that time is well deserved–but it can be incredibly frustrating when your employees cannot participate in social media activities because they’ve shared an inappropriate meme or comment in another area of the platform altogether. With Pronto, you don’t have to worry about your employees finding themselves in “social media jail” just when you need them to be able to communicate the most.

Pronto helps keep your employees organized.

With access to the information they need at their fingertips, an intuitive search feature, and easy organization systems for accessing chat threads, Pronto makes it easy for employees to stay organized. With all the office communication in one easy-to-access place, you also decrease the odds that employees will miss out on vital information, from announcements to client preferences.

Can Pronto Help Improve Your Office Communication?

In your office, you want to streamline communication as much as possible. Pronto can help. Contact us today to learn how we can offer better solutions than Facebook and other social media platforms for your business communication needs.