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Built for educators. Loved by students.

The only LMS-integrated messaging app that’s built for education
Trusted by over 300 institutions worldwide

Traditional communication tools don’t work.


Students loathe email

67% of students “never” use email and only 1 in every 8 emails will ever be opened– making email a graveyard for important messages.

Text messages are junked

19.2 billion spam texts are sent every single month in the U.S. alone– meaning your messages are likely to be swiped and reported as junk.

Other tools are risky

When traditional tools fail, many instructors begin using non-compliant solutions like GroupMe, WhatsApp, and Discord– creating significant privacy and financial risks for institutions and their teachers.

Pronto gives schools access to students– instantly.

more views

Messages sent to students using Pronto are 6.2x more likely to be seen when compared to other messaging tools

hours saved

Teachers using Pronto in the classroom have reported saving over 2 hours each day when communicating with students using Pronto

fewer courses dropped

Institutions using Pronto in the classroom experienced 63% fewer dropped courses

higher retention

In their first year using Pronto, schools using Pronto retain an average of 11% more continuing students.

returning students

Schools that use Pronto to communicate in the classroom have retained 137,000 more students

in tuition saved

Schools that engage students using Pronto retain an average of $1.1m more in tuition dollars each year

Pronto Features

Connect instantly with chat and video.


Campus Announcements guarantee important messages are seen.

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Groups keep communication simple and organized.

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Instant Language Translation gives every student an equal voice.

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Sharing and searching all in one place!

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Built with care– protecting student and teacher privacy.

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No matter your role, Pronto can help.


Safe. Secure. Scalable.

• Completes all RSI requirements
• FERPA compliant
• Full administrative controls
• Seamless LMS Integrations


Save time. Impact. Support.

• Engage students via chat
• Instant 1:1 or group video
• Pinned course announcements
• Crowd-sourced learning
• Proactive student outreach
• Instant read receipts


Connect. Engage. Learn.

• Immediate access to help
• Chat with teachers in real-time
• Peer collaboration with Groups
• Share notes and content
• Instant language translation
• Built for mobile use